London Pass
London Pass
London Pass

The London Pass® | Save big on all your must-sees

Spar op til 50 % på topattraktioner!




attractions included


potential savings per trip




attractions included


potential savings per trip

Hvorfor vælge The London Pass®?

We guarantee you'll save on your sightseeing!

  • The London Pass® is a credits package, so you’ll get a set number of credits to use for the number of days you choose.
  • It's easy to scan in at attractions to redeem your credits.
  • Enjoy savings of up to 50% on all your sightseeing vs. buying individual attraction tickets.
london itinerary
Choose attractions as you go
Free cancellation within 90 days
Save with us or we'll refund the difference
Plan your trip with the highly-rated Go City® app
Save up to 50% vs. buying individual tickets
Valid for two years from purchase date
Easy planning with the in-app itinerary builder
Our best line-up ever!
Exclusive perks at selected attractions
The more you see, the more you save!

How it works

We make sightseeing easy

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Pick a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 10-day credits package, whichever works for your trip.
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Download our highly-rated app to scan in at each attraction.
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Enjoy guaranteed savings (or we'll refund you the difference!) That's our guarantee!
Buy now

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Gratis afbestilling

Planer kan blive ændret, det kender vi godt. Alle ikke-aktiverede klippekort kan refunderes inden for 90 dage fra købsdatoen.

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The London Pass® har en høj vurdering, men bedøm selv!

Vi gi'r 5 % i rabat!

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