Benjamin Franklin House - Historical Tour
The London Pass®와 함께 London 탐험을 즐겨보세요.
귀하의 패스에는 수십 개의 다른 인기 명소가 포함되어 있으며, 모두 비용이 절감된 하나의 가격으로 제공됩니다.
여기서 뭘 할 수 있어요?
Dedicated to one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, Benjamin Franklin lived in this house for 16 years during the lead-up to the American Revolution.
Take a Benjamin Franklin House - Historical Tour with The London Pass®
- With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
- Take a tour of the last remaining former home of Benjamin Franklin, a Founding Father of the United States of America.
- Take a detailed look at the Georgian features of the house, along with personal artefacts from its most famous inhabitant.
With many original features and a number of artefacts relating to its most famous inhabitant, the museum is viewable on a fantastic and informative guided tour.
The Historical Experience presents the excitement and uncertainty of Franklin’s London years using rooms where so much took place as staging for a drama that seamlessly integrates live performance, cutting edge lighting, sound and visual projection.
사전예약 필수
이 관광지는 예약이 필수입니다.
Getting in: simply present your pass and booking information at the welcome desk.
You can get in touch by calling: +44 (0)207 839 2006
or emailing: [email protected]For more information visit the Benjamin Franklin House website.
어디로 가면 되나요?
운영 시간
Saturdays and Sundays only - tours depart at 11AM, 12PM, 1PM, 2PM, 3.15PM & 4.15PM
작동 원리
여행을 편하게 해드립니다.
여행에 맞게 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 또는 10일권을 선택하세요.스캔하기
높은 평가를 받은 앱을 다운로하여 각 관광 명소를 살펴보세요.절약하기
여행 비용 절약을 보장해드립니다. (아닐 경우, 환불해 드립니다)런던패스® 실제 고객님들의 후기를 읽어보세요!
10% 할인, 저희가 그냥 드릴게요!
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